Thursday, December 10, 2009

The knitty gritty "Why?"

For as progressive as Kansas City is on so many issues, when it comes to Urban farming they still have a long way to go. One of the biggest issues currently, and why this blog was made, is the issue of poultry within the Midtown and downtown area, or really the lack of poultry. Currently you can't raise chickens within ONE HUNDRED FEET of any building used by humans. This makes it hard if not impossible for most Kansas City residence to have birds.

Why does this matter? I believe it is our right to be able to sustain ourselves with healthy nutrient rich food. For low income families, students, and many elderly, growing and raising their own is the only affordable way to eat organic and local.

I created a mobile coop so that my chickens will always be in transit, and not violating any current ordinances. This is more of a symbolic gesture on my part. This is a flag to be waved, a thing of parades and wild gestures and yelling. Until we make the big change join me in finding creative solutions to live as we desire, and help others do the same.

All the ordinances of Kansas City can be found at:

Snow birds

The snows have come and the chickens are adapting well. Cold doesn't bother them much and inside the coop it stays a nice toasty temperature. The chickens are spending the winter in the backyard of the Peace Nook abode in Midtown KC. Here we see the always lovely Katie letting them out for some midday foraging. 

Keep reading folks! Coming episodes will show our march downtown for urban farming, and Terra Rosa (the red hen) and my talk at the Pecha Kcuha at the Kansas City Art Institute.